5 Best Classified Sites like LeBonCoin

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There are a lot of classifieds websites from private person to private person and/or professional to find deals everywhere in France but they are not all as good as each other. The reference of the domain is LeBonCoin, their site is very well done and is very used so you will find everything you want.

Whether you're looking for a car or a motorcycle, clothes or furniture for your home or even an apartment to rent, you'll find what you need on Le Bon Coin. But visiting only one site would be a mistake, although LeBonCoin is a real goldmine nothing guarantees you that they have the best offers.

That's why we made this list of sites offering the same services as LeBonCoin so that you can search more efficiently and find the best prices on several different sites.

[wpsm_button color="teal " size="medium " link="https://www.leboncoin.fr/ " icon="none " class= " " target="_blank " rel="nofollow"]Voir Le Bon Coin[/wpsm_button] [wpsm_toplist]


[wpsm_button color="teal " size="medium " link="http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/709-53476-19255-0/1?icep_ff3=1&pub=5575526669&toolid=10001&campid=5338575684&customid=&ipn=psmain&icep_vectorid=229480&kwid=902099&mtid=824&kw=lg " icon="none " class= " " target="_blank " rel="nofollow"]Site Officiel[/wpsm_button]

eBay is a good substitute for LeBonCoin although it is much less oriented towards the private person to private person aspect, on LeBonCoin you find an ad, contact the seller and you settle with him, while eBay has more the form of a classic e-commerce site. Its biggest advantage is probably the auctions which allow you to find great offers if you are fast enough and attentive to what is going on.

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[wpsm_button color="teal " size="medium " link="https://www.paruvendu.fr/ " icon="none " class= " " target="_blank " rel="nofollow"]Site Officiel[/wpsm_button]

If you are looking for an apartment, a house or any other type of accommodation, visit ParuVendu. It was originally a real estate site but they have developed their services to offer ads in different areas such as real estate but also cars and motorcycles, jobs, all kinds of objects, animals, vacations and many others. As you can see these offers are very diverse and touch all the fields. Whatever you're looking for, there's a good chance someone will offer it on ParuVendu.


[wpsm_button color="teal " size="medium " link="https://www.vivastreet.com/ " icon="none " class= " " target="_blank " rel="nofollow"]Site Officiel[/wpsm_button]

VivaStreet is another classified ad site that is more oriented towards offering services than selling items. Despite that you can obviously find a lot of things, already services like courses, baby-sitting or help to the person but also job offers in many areas, car rental or pro, the classic real estate ads, donation and sale of animals and even dating. It is a very complete site that will help you find everything you need.


[wpsm_button color="teal " size="medium " link="https://www.locanto.fr/ " icon="none " class= " " target="_blank " rel="nofollow"]Site Officiel[/wpsm_button]

Locanto really deserves to be better known than it is. The site is very complete and offers ads in many areas. In addition it is very easy to navigate thanks to its very well thought interface which contrasts with most of its competitors, difficult to describe but if you are used to classifieds sites you know what I am talking about. On Locanto you will find all the ads you want in all the classic fields like real estate, courses, services etc.

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[wpsm_button color="teal " size="medium " link="https://kicherchekoi.com/ " icon="none " class= " " target="_blank " rel="nofollow"]Site Officiel[/wpsm_button]

And the last site of the list will be KiChercheKoi.com which is also very underestimated, despite the fact that the site is relatively unknown it still has a lot of very interesting ads in all fields whether it is job offers, buying/selling vehicles, antiques or various objects or all the other things that we find on these sites. The design is not bad, better than most of these sites anyway so that's a good point. So don't hesitate to go to kicherchekoi.com, it has a good community and is super-easy to use.

If you have other examples of sites like Leboncoin, you can leave a comment.

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