The best alternative medicine sites

Take advantage of these excellent alternative medicine sites. Restore your health, energy and vitality.

If there is one thing that unites everyone on this earth, it is health. Even if we had all the money in the world, without health, we have nothing. Modern medicine has evolved a lot in the last 50 years. And so has the average age of life.

But we must admit that we live differently in this modern world, full of stress. Since the dawn of time, people from all over the world have used nature to cure themselves of various ailments. The knowledge of the ancients has been perfected over the millennia. Whether it is with the use of curative plants, or techniques like acupuncture among others.

The world of alternative medicine is still full of prejudices. SiteComme believes in health, and although this subject has often been a source of discord. We believe that the modern medicine and traditional has both an excellent role to play. So we've done a little research, to find you some excellent, serious sites. That touch on global health.

We invite you to take a tour of these information-packed web pages on different types of medicine. However, SiteComme leaves you free to choose what suits you. Also, if you believe that we have forgotten an important site, which is related to alternative medicine. We invite you to write to us and refer it to us, so we will add it on this page. So good research, and good health to all.

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Doctissimo health

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Doctissimo santé, is really one of the excellent sites of natural medicine and holistic medicine on the web. The well-being of the human body in general, is the goal of this web page. Created by two doctors, who wanted to fill that void, which modern medicine has not touched. Doctissimo will bring you very good natural medicine treatments.

Whether to treat psoriasis or allergies, through menopause or dental care. Doctissimo will give you the straight goods on medications, side effects, and much more. In short, you will love this health site, which will answer many questions.

Take care of yourself!

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Here is another excellent site of alternative medicinesor the world of natural remedies, is highlighted. With a huge selection of articles on health, which will surely interest you. Heal yourself! will not leave you on your appetite. Go there to ask your questions and their team of therapists, will answer you with pleasure. From prevention to various treatments, you are at the right place.

Passport to Health

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With their teams of health professionals, Passeport Santé will be able to meet your expectations. Numerous articles are available to help you regain or maintain your health. As well as explanatory videos and very complete lexicons. Whether it is on medicinal herbs or on diseases in general. This site of alternative medicine joins very well with modern medicine.

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Amessi, is certainly unique in its kind, you will discover many interesting articles. Maybe you will not always agree with all the blogs, but often the changes happen by questioning.

From traditional Chinese medicine to quantum mechanics, you will not remain indifferent. In short, Amessi is a site to discover, if you haven't already done so. Go and visit it, and see what your family discussion will be about tonight.


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Located in Quebec, Herbotèque, as its name indicates, specializes in herbalism. Whether it is medicinal, cosmetic, or culinary, its plant specialists will be able to help you in many fields. Since the beginning of time, herbs have played a very important role in helping human beings. Also, this almost lost knowledge, knew to reappear thanks to people who understood the importance of its nature. Herbotèque offers professional training for all, as well as interesting books.

Herboristerie Desjardins is a very good site to buy herbs or oils online, here is the link.

Desjardins Herbalism


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The primary goal of medoucine is to guide people to understand and navigate alternative medicine. With over 400 different types of therapies and several thousand therapists, it is not exactly an easy job. This very good natural medicine site will guide you to the best therapists. *Available in Europe.

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  1. I'm sorry, because I'm often on his medical type sites.
    Old man, I'm so assiduous.
    I ask questions from time to time, but the explanations come from the people I work with.
    people from the forums.....but not from a doctor!
    On the other hand I am invaded by the sites, let us say medical, which have the cure to all
    illness; after two hours of diligent reading.
    It is necessary to buy, products........and are these products good ????? there is the ultimate question???
    Thank you and have a great weekend.

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